Thursday 30 May 2024

Five Hindi Movies I Watched in Recent Months

I am a lover of nature and reality. I watch mostly dramas and films that portray the real-life pictures so that I can feel myself one among them and experience their pains and joys. It provides a glimpse into the lives of people around you.

So, whenever I get some time to watch movies or TV series ( a 40 to 50 minutes of time per day), I look for those films that provide common man's life stories. They need not be blockbusters or commercial successes.
I am providing a glimpse into some of the entertaining and thrilling movies for your perusal. Most of the below-listed movies are 2024 releases except Traffic Signal & Sajini Shinde.

  1. Laa-Pataa Ladies
  2. Shaitaan
  3. Murder Mubarak
  4. Traffic Signal
  5. Sajini Shinde ka Viral Video

Laa-Pataa Ladies

Rating: Media Ratings 4 - 4.5/5 My Rating 100%

Laa-Pataa means not traceable or missing. This movie delves into the plot of two newlywed ladies who go missing either due to the mistakes of their grooms or intentional escapes immediately after marriage.

The film was first premiered at the 48th Toronto International Film Festival in September 2023 and theatrically released on 1st March 2024. Directed by Kiran Rao, whose first debut was Dhobi Ghat (2010), the film was co-produced by Rao, Aamir Khan, and Jyoti Deshpande. The script is inspired from the story of "Two Brides" authored by Biplab Goswami.

It showcases the undesirable consequences of the purdah system prevalent mostly in the Indian Culture. A newly wed groom, Deepak, is travelling back to his home with his bride in a train. The bride, Phool Kumari, is clad in her wedding dress sporting a veil. It was the marriage season and many newlywed couples are there in the coach. It was the night journey and while Deepak was engaged in a toilet visit, the passengers shift their seats. He was unaware of this shifting. When his station arrives, he gets down with a wrong bride due to the confusion. His mistake is revealed only when his mother lifts the veil of the bride after their welcome ceremony. His real wife, mean while, reaches a different village with another groom being victim to the same confusion.

The rest of the story is an adventurous humor mixed with thrilling encounters and activities of the ladies and men including entertaining characters of police involved in the tracing and reunion of the real couples.

I acclaim it to be a very nice movie that is worth watchable. The actors did justice to their respective roles to make it an enjoyable movie. The scenes were shot in the villages of Madhya Pradesh.

Shaitaan Movie

Rating: Media 3.5/5 My Rating: 4/5

Shaitaan means 'Devil'. It is a supernatural horror film released in March 2024. It is a remake of one Gujarati movie "Vash" (2023) which gets translated into possession. It is directed by the Super-30 fame Director, Vikas Bahl, and produced by Devgan Films and Jio Studios.

The story revolves around a victimized family finding ways and means to release their daughter from the black magic spell of a ruthless stranger, who proclaims himself to be the Almighty who can control all humanity using his black magic. They try to lure him with money offering all their possessions in exchange for their daughter's freedom. But he does not agree. Then they try to catch him unawares and overpower him. He warns  them that if something happens to his life, then no body can free their daughter from his spell. He reveals that his last command to his victim will ever be followed by the person under his black magic. Presently, he ordered their daughter to keep dancing to the tunes of some songs, to shout till her throat chokes to death, and to guard him from her parents when he is asleep. She is forced to hit her parents, keep dancing even if she wets her pants, and keep shouting even though her entire body and mind seems to blow up. It is a torture for her and her parents. None could control the situations. He demands that the only choice open to them is to send the daughter with him and never look for her return nor file any complaints against him. 

What takes place afterward is a quick series of actions and reactions. Their young son also has a part in it. To know how do they overcame from their miserable life, you should watch the movie with your sympathetic feelings toward the victims.

I hope it entertains your time, filled with some thrilling moments of horror and pain. 

Murder Mubarak

Rating: Media 2.5/5 My Rating: 3.5/5 (Due to Pankaj Tripathi)

Murder Mubarak is a mystery thriller movie, released on 15th March, on the OTT platform Netflix. The Director of the movie is Homi Adajania, whose film "Cocktail" (2012) is a popular hit. The Producer is Dinesh Vijan, the founder of Maddock Films whose films like Stree and Hindi Medium are famous hits. 

The story deals with the mysterious death of a gym trainer (a womanizer) at the Royal Delhi Club, whose members are elite citizens of Delhi adoring the British Rulers. None of them were shocked at the death of their staff and didn't care for it at all. They dismiss the case as a mere accidental death due to the barbell hitting his windpipe. ACP Bhavani Singh (actor Pankaj Tripathy) takes up the case with the assistance of one SI. The CCTV results do not provide any evidence. 

But, Bhavani Singh noticed that at one point some balloons obscured the camera. This clue and the strange behavior of a cat add to the suspicion that it is a murder case. Forensic reports of the dead body reveal presence of large quantities of a drug named Pinko Haathini in his body. It is powerful drug that makes the person very feeble and weak. He cannot lift even a pencil in such condition and there is no way of lifting a barbell. So, Bhavani Singh goes on enquiring all the members and staff about their involvements during the time of that murder period. 

During interrogations, it is revealed that Leo, the dead person, had a quarrel with one important member of the club, Maharaja Ranvijay Singh (a contestant for the President post of the Club). A person named Akash Dogra (the son of Dogras who are members of the club) acted as the mediator between them to resolve their quarrel. It is also revealed that the club members are involved in drug abuses. Some intimate relationships and love stories between the club members also get revealed. Bambi, whose husband is dead, loves Akash who is both young and smart, and Ranvijay Singh is in love with a beauty parlour lady, Ganga. All this makes up the case much interesting.

Bhavani Singh gets suspicious of the behavior of a servant, Guppie Ram, who was watering the kitchen garden excessively. He senses that he is wetting the ground with acid in the guise of water. So, Bhavaani Singh gets the place excavated to find out the secret. A rotten human skeleton was found in the excavated pit which was believed to be that of Ganga's missing husband.

The investigation procedure of ACP Bhavani Singh is the most enjoyable part of this movie. His slow, gentle, and artful approach to the case makes it all. He studies everything minutely but without any hint to the bystanders. He breaks through the investigations in a deceitful manner and captures the culprits very cleverly. So, you need to watch the movie to enjoy his role and admire his acting skills.

It is only because of the role this popular actor, Pankaj Tripathi, that the entire movie becomes enjoyable.

Traffic Signal

Rating: Media 3 - 3.5/5 My Rating 4/5

Traffic Signal is a 2007 release movie starring Kunal Khemu & Konkana Sen Sharma. The movie is Directed & Co-Produced by Madhur Bhandarkar. The other Co-Producer is a Feature Films producer, Shailendra Singh.

The movie received two National Film Awards for Best Director and Best Make-Up Artist.

The movie portrays the lives and toils of people living around a traffic signal in Mumbai. The people make their livelihoods during the stoppage of the traffic at the signal. There are beggars, prostitutes, eunuches, and sellers of clothes, toys and other things. The traffic manager is a kind-hearted person who is generous to these people. They adore him and respect him. But, a dangerous gangster makes use of this opportunity by befriending this manager, named Silsila.

This gangster, whose name is Haji Bhaijan, is a dangerous and wicked person dealing in illegal and criminal activities with the support of politicians and police. Silsila is unaware of this fact and carries out some jobs provided by him in good faith. He becomes aware of these facts only when he gets entangled in a murder case.

The events lead to the destruction of the Traffic Signal. Silsila has to choose between his life or the safety and protection of the Signal which is the livelihood for hundreds of people. So, that is the climax point which should be watched over screen.

The story and direction along with choreography and artistry are very good to watch and enjoy. All the characters have done their part to make the movie a success.

Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video

Ratings: Media 3.5/5 My Rating 4/5

Sajini Shinde Ka viral Video delves into a social issue faced by most woman living under the shrinked mentalities of a society. The movie showcases this factor very clearly throughout the story.

It is a October 2023 release movie directed by Founder of CineMan Productions Mikhi Musale and produced byDinesh Vijan of Maddock Films.

Sajini is a teacher in a respectable school in Pune. The story starts with Sajini enjoying her birthday party in a Singapore Bar Restaurant. Within minutes, a viral video of her dancing with shirtless men on the bartop goes viral over the internet. It is supposedly posted by mistake even to her school website also. Here start the ordeals of, what the conservative families and societies construe as, straying women of the society.

On her return from the holidays, she gets sacked by her Principal. Even her family and the neighbours disown her. She is construed as a shameless whore by the society. Her fiancee also finds fault with her who previously encouraged her to behave like a modern woman. So, Sajini goes missing after writing a letter that her family and fiancee are responsible for her suicide.

Sajini's best friend wants to get justice for her friend and tries all that can be done to turn it into a public issue and catch the media's attention. Thus it becomes a privilege issue not just related to a single Sajini Shinde but for the entire women. Police investigation starts and everybody connected to Sajini get questioned.

How the justice is served and how Sajini gets reunified with her family and her job are worthy to be watched over screen. 

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